
Why do Cameroonians give more credibility to Imported Products than to Local Products?

Business and advices

The credibility bestowed upon imported goods in Cameroon has become a pressing issue that demands attention.

Cameroonian consumers tend to view imported products as symbols of success and prestige. There is a prevailing belief that these goods are of superior quality compared to their locally-produced counterparts and should be reserved for those who can afford them.

This article delves into the reasons behind Cameroonians' preference for imported products over local ones, shedding light on key factors shaping consumer behavior in this regard.

1. Perception of quality

One primary reason for the greater credibility given to imported products lies in the perception of quality.

Local products often face challenges related to standards, quality control, and safety measures, which may undermine consumer confidence in their reliability.

Consequently, the lack of strict regulations and quality assurance for locally-produced goods perpetuates the belief that imported products inherently possess higher quality.

2. Brand recognition

Image showing Coca Cola cans in a crate

Another critical factor influencing the credibility gap between imported and local products is brand recognition.

Imported goods are frequently associated with well-established and reputable brands that have earned the trust of consumers over time.

In contrast, local products may lack similar brand recognition, making them less appealing to consumers who prioritize familiarity and trustworthiness when making purchasing decisions.

3. Marketing strategies

Effective marketing strategies play a significant role in shaping consumer perceptions and preferences.

Imported goods often benefit from superior marketing techniques, presenting them in alluring packaging with eye-catching designs, vibrant branding, and comprehensive product information.

In contrast, local producers may face resource constraints that limit their ability to invest in sophisticated marketing campaigns.

Consequently, consumers are naturally drawn to the appeal of well-marketed imported products, regardless of their actual quality or origin.

4. Price considerations

Perceived price differentials contribute to the preference for imported products among Cameroonian consumers.

Local products, due to inefficiencies in production, transportation, and distribution, may be perceived as more expensive compared to their imported counterparts.

Despite potentially offering similar or even superior quality, local products struggle to compete effectively on price, which negatively impacts their market competitiveness.

5. Availability and accessibility

Imported products often enjoy a wider distribution network, making them more accessible to consumers.

The ability to find imported products readily in stores or online platforms contributes to their appeal and convenience. In contrast, local products may face challenges in reaching consumers due to limitations in distribution channels.

Consequently, the limited availability of local products further fuels the preference for imported alternatives.

6. Cultural bias

Cultural biases towards imported products also shape consumer behavior in Cameroon.

Imported goods are frequently associated with modernity, status, and sophistication, appealing to the aspirations of consumers seeking to align themselves with global trends.

Conversely, local products may be perceived as old-fashioned or traditional, leading to a bias against them. This cultural inclination towards imported products reinforces the notion that they are superior and should be given more credibility.

Addressing the challenges

Image showing an old man thinking of how to solve a problem

Addressing the preference for imported products over local ones requires a concerted effort from various stakeholders. Key strategies to promote local products and bridge the credibility gap include:

1. Improving quality and safety standards

Efforts should be made to enhance the quality and safety standards of local products through the implementation of stringent regulations, quality control mechanisms, and safety measures.

This will build consumer confidence and dispel the notion that imported goods are inherently superior.

2. Branding and marketing initiatives

Local producers need to invest in branding and marketing activities to raise awareness and build trust in their products.

This includes developing compelling packaging, engaging in targeted advertising campaigns, and leveraging social media platforms to connect with consumers.

3. Enhancing production efficiency

Improving production efficiency is crucial to ensuring competitive pricing and addressing the perception of local products being more expensive.

Investments in technology, infrastructure, and supply chain management can help reduce costs and enhance overall efficiency.

4. Collaboration between stakeholders

Achieving significant change requires collaboration between governments, the private sector, industry associations, and other stakeholders.

Partnerships can be formed to provide support, resources, and incentives for local producers. This collaboration can also involve joint initiatives to improve product quality, develop marketing strategies, and expand distribution networks.

By working together, stakeholders can create a conducive environment for the growth and sustainability of local industries.

5. Strengthening distribution networks

Efforts should be made to expand and enhance the distribution networks for local products. This includes partnering with retailers, wholesalers, and e-commerce platforms to increase the availability and accessibility of local goods to consumers across the country.

Improving distribution channels will help overcome the disadvantage of limited availability that local products currently face.


In conclusion, addressing the challenges associated with the preference for imported products over local ones in Cameroon requires a comprehensive approach.  

This necessitates collaboration between governments, the private sector, industry associations, and other stakeholders to provide support, resources, and incentives for local producers.

By implementing these measures, Cameroon can create an enabling environment for the growth of local industries, promote sustainable development, and encourage consumers to value and support locally-produced goods. 

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6th June 2023