
The 10 Least Publicised Secrets of Apple's Success

Business and advices

 Apple is one of the most successful companies in history. They have made billions of dollars, changed how we use technology, and revolutionized how we market. It’s easy to see why people are so attached to Apple products; they are well-designed, innovative, and attract a loyal following.

There are a lot of things that Apple does that other companies don’t, and this is part of the reason why they are so successful.

Here we look at ten of the least publicized secrets behind Apple’s success, which may help you understand what makes them tick.

1. The psychology of wants, needs, and behavior

Apple has an understanding of human psychology that most companies don’t. They know how to make people want something, and they use this knowledge to their advantage.

Everything Apple does is based on psychology - from its stores' design to how they market their products. They understand what makes people want things, and they use this knowledge to ensure that customers feel happy with their purchases.

2. The ‘gegenpress’ or counter-press

The counter-press is a tactic used by many teams in football, but it’s most commonly associated with Borussia Dortmund. It’s essentially a way of pressing the opposition immediately after they have lost possession of the ball. This forces them into making mistakes and gives your team an opportunity to win back the ball.

This is the same strategy apple uses when they release new products.

Apple releases a product, and then they immediately start working on the next one. When they release a phone, they already have plans to release the next version of it in 6 months or so. This keeps other companies from being able to copy their work because they don’t know what’s coming next.

3. Connecting products

Apple is renowned for its ability to build products that work well together. They don’t just make phones or computers; they make devices that communicate with each other.

This is a huge benefit for Apple because it gives them access to a massive amount of data that they can use to improve their products and services over time.

4. Turning luxury into a necessity

Apple has a knack for making luxury products that are also useful. They don’t just make phones that look nice; they make phones that work well and are easy to use. This means Apple can charge more for their products than other companies that focus on appearance alone.

Apple is also good at making its products seem worth the extra money. They do this by focusing on quality, design, and user experience. This has made Apple products popular with people from all walks of life—not just tech geeks and early adopters.

5. Taking up a unique strategic vantage point

Apple has a unique vantage point on the market. They aren’t just another smartphone company but a technology company that produces other products like laptops, tablets, and watches. This helps Apple keep an eye on trends in the tech space and react quickly when necessary.

6. Spawning the growth of new markets

Apple has created new markets by introducing new products and services. For example, their App Store opened up a whole new world of software development for mobile devices. This is just one example of how Apple has changed the way we live our lives and work with technology.

7. Innovation Apple has been a leader in innovation for decades

They build new products that people want to use and keep things fresh by introducing new features and services every few months. This helps Apple stay ahead of its competitors and ensure its users are happy with the latest technology.

8. Excellent customer service

Apple provides excellent customer service to their customers. They make sure they take care of any problems users have with their products and services and try to find a solution that works for everyone involved.

This type of attitude is what keeps people coming back to Apple time after time.

9. Predictive attraction and validated insight

Apple has built a reputation for being innovative and creative. They don’t just release new products when they think they’re ready; they release them when they know that people will want them.

Apple understands that it takes time for consumers to adapt to change, so they use predictive attraction techniques to predict what innovations people will be receptive to at any given time.

10. A good reputation

Apple has a good reputation in the market as a company that delivers high-quality products and services. They also have a firm brand name and many loyal customers willing to buy new products from them time after time.


Apple is definitely one of the most successful companies in the world. They have built a reputation for creating innovative products that people love to use, and their business strategy is focused on providing great customer service.

If you want to be successful in your own business, then look at what Apple does well and apply those ideas to your own situation.

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8th December 2022